Nerdeyse bir senedir Guney Amerikadayim...
Bunun yaklasik 9 ayinda ise Bolivya - La Paz 'da.. ( idim )
Ilgilenenler merak ediyor elbette neden bu kadar uzun sure bir sehirde yasadigimi ve yola devam etmedigimi..
Isin asli 2 hafta olarak geldigim bu sehirde kendime yeni hayat kurmak gibi bir planim yoktu.
her sey kendiliginden gelisti elbette.Wild Rover'dan is teklifi alinca elbette bir sene boyunca sevdigim bir sehirde ustelik para kazanarakta kalmak mantikli geldi.6 ay boyunca barda mukemmel zaman gecirdim cok guzel insanlar tanidim bir suru macera yasadim fakat bir sekilde vucudumda sinyal vermeye basladi.once bogazlarim sonra dislerim derken hastaliklarla bogusmaya basladim acikcasi. Wild Rover'dan ayrildiktan sonra ani bir kararla Turkiye'ye donmeye karar verdim fakat Santa Cruz Havaalanina vardiktan ve 15 saat havaalaninda bekledikten sonra LaPaz'a geri dondum.
Elbette bir cok insan uzerinde hayalkirikligi yarattim cunku hevesle verdigim bir karar sonucunda aileme dostlarima gelmiyorum ben demek pekte adil degildi ama iste maalesef gene bencil ben once kendimi dusunerek donmekten vazgectim.
LaPaz'a geri dondukten sonra asil isler tamamen karisti.Baska bir yerde calismaya basladim ve bu suredede elbette vize parasi islemeye devam etti.
yaklasik 6 ay kadar kendi normal 3 ayimin haricinde kalinca hostellerde kalmak gibi bir secenegimde kalmadi ve arkadasimin yanina tasindim.
Bu arada yeniden dislerim patlak verdi . Yirmiliklerden birini baya zor bir operasyonla cektirmek zorunda kaldim.
Bunca sorunun arasinda dogal olarak duygusal manada da cokuntuler yasamaya basladim.
Ciddi anlamda mutlu yasadigim bu sehir ustume ustume gelmeye basladi.
sanki hersey Istanbul'da ki gibi gorunmeye basladi gozume..
Ben neden geldim buralara ne buldum tarzi sorularimla kendimi mutsuz etmeye basladim ve sonunda ciddi anlamda bundan kurtulmam gerektigine karar verdim.
Evet bir zamanlar mukemmel isim , ilk basta tanistigim mukemmel insanlar calisanlar vardi...
Is bitti insanlar yollarina gittiler bense cakili kaldim.. Kendime bu deneyimi yasatmis olmaktan dolayi mutluyum cidden pisman degilim ama vermem gereken bir karar vardi ve bende sonunda verdim.
Peru'ya hareket ettim.
Sinirda polislerle yasadigim problemden sonra ki siniri yurumeye calisip durdurulunca baya beni ofise aldilar.Dedim tamam her sey burda bitti artik sutlayacaklar ama oyle olmadi.Onca sikinti ve stresten sonra bir anda hungur hungur aglamaya baslayinca adamlar soka girdi tabi.
Biraktilar.Bastim gittim.
Puno otobusune binip Puno'ya ordanda Cusco'ya gectim.
Cusco'ya gecerken gece polis aramasi oldu. Sans bu ki ; tam arka koltugumda oturan adamdan bir sirt canta dolusu kokain cikinca ve ve bu cantada tam benim cantamin yaninda olunca maalesef benide didik aradilar. Bu arada adamlar polislerle otobusun icinde kavgaya tutustu. Hah dedim tamam Yagmur iste burda bittin yani bir silah cekseler olup gidiceksin artik yapacak bisi yok...vizeden imigrasyondan pacayi yirttin ama senin olmayan kokainden iceri atacaklar ya da .. :p
Neyseki otobusteki teyzeler sagolsun beni koruyup kolladilar polislere baya nene kivaminda yaklasip yol verdiler.Polislerde uzatmadi adamla cantayi alip gittiler.
Cusco'da hic vakit kaybetmeden 24 saatlik bir yolculuk sonrasinda suan bu satirlari yazdigim Lima sehrine vardim.
( Lima'yi daha iyi gorebilmeniz icin ; )
Simdi burda ne yapacagim ne kadar kalacagim acikcasi kesin degil.
Buraya dair yeniden yazmak izlenimlerimi anlatmak istiyorum fakat biraz daha gormem gerek diye dusunuyorum.
Kisacasi artik Peru'dan sevgiler efenim.
Saglicakla kalalim en onemlisi bu imis ogrendik.
hoscakal LaPaz , hosgeldim Lima ..
Now the English time =)
Almost 1 year now , im in South America..
9 months of that year was in Bolivia-LaPaz..
the people who are interested in my journey ,of course they are wondering why i stayed in a city that long and didnt continue to the road..
the thing is , which i came for 2 weeks to there actually , i didnt have a plan to create a new life. things were just happened.Wild Rover offered me the job for one year and of course i liked the city and everything , it was a really good option to stay and get paid for a year.
6 months behind the bar i had an amazing time and i met with an amazing people , i passed so many adventures but then my body started to give me signals ..first my throat and then my teeth. it was like so bad times. After i quit the Wild Rover , i decided immidiately to go back Turkey but when i arrived to Santa Cruz Airport and wait in there 15 hours , i just came back to LaPaz.
For sure ; i let down on people cause i just made an 'one second' desicion and it was so hard to say to my family and friends that im not turning back and it wasnt fair though but selfish yagmur thought about herself first again and decided not to go back.
After i got back to LaPaz everything got worse.I started to work at Oliver's.But that time my visa money keep going to get much more.Almost 6 months after my legal 90 days,hostals didnt want me to stay in there cause it was trouble with immigration.
I moved to my friends house and again my teeth got worse than ever and they did a really hard 'took it off' surgery and took my wisdom tooth away.
between all this problems , for sure , my emotions got really worse. like i was passing a depression .
i was really happy in LaPaz before ,really,but its started to having so much drama and it was like the old days in Istanbul like the same things started to happen and i was feeling unhappy anymore.
i started to think why i came here why i found whatever silly questions and i decided to 'decide' for something and get rid of this shits.
yeah once upon a time i had an amazing job and friends.
but the job was over and all the friends gone to their road but i stucked. really im so happy to experience this life and i dont have any regret and i decided.
i moved to Peru.
when i tried to passed the border going through , police officers tak me to a room and started to ask questions .i said to myself thats ok everything is over now they gonna deport you but it didnt happen like that.after all these problems and everything i started to cry like a river and officers got shocked and they just let me go.
i just passed the border and found a bus to Puno pass there and then found a bus to Cusco . at night when we were on the bus police just stop the bus and started to search. they came to my back seat and started to search a bolivian guy , in the up closets they found a bag of cocain and of course my bag was next to this mans bag and they searched me because of this too. that moment the man got angry started to fought with policeman and i was like ok yagmur you did everything you just passed border and nothing happened bad until this time but if they gonna shout gun or something you gonna die after all this things you achieved or they gonna charge you cause bag of cocain and gonna go to jail ... :P
thank god there were good woman in the bus and they offenced me like their child and police left with the guy and the bag.
i arrived Cusco and took a bus directly to Lima and after 24 hours i arrived that city which im writing this words now.
(Photos of Lima : )
especially its not that certain that how many times im gonna stay in here or what im gonna do.
actually i wanna write about this city but i wanna see a little more first.
so , cheers from Peru guys !
the most important thing was health by the way we lived and saw that..
and for the end , Goodbye LaPaz , Hello Lima...